2024 英語讀者劇場比賽

2024年華盛頓中學英語讀者劇場比賽在歡笑與感動中完美落幕。透過精湛的聲音表達、生動的肢體 語言,以及富有創意的英文劇本,同學們的演出化為一場場充滿歡樂與令人激賞的精彩表演。讓我們一起欣賞孩子們為了團隊榮譽而不懈努力的成果,再次為他們熱烈喝彩!

The 2024 Washington High School English Reader Theater Competition concluded perfectly amidst laughter and emotion. Through impeccable vocal expression, vibrant body language, and creative English scripts, the students' performances turned into a series of delightful and engaging shows. These accomplishments are the product of the students' relentless rehearsal efforts, striving for the honor of their team alongside the teachers who dedicated their extra time to assist the students. Let us together appreciate the wonderful highlights of the children's performances and cheer for them enthusiastically once again!