《 探索世界奇幻奧秘|冬令營精彩回顧 》 

兩天的奇幻旅程圓滿落幕!這不僅是一場學術與知識的探索,更是一場充滿活力的體能挑戰!孩子們帶著好奇心,揭開自然界的奧秘,透過線索解開數學與歷史背後的謎團。同時也在飛盤課程中挑戰團隊合作與創意體能,展現了無限的潛力與熱情! 這次冬令營雖然結束了,但屬於我們的冒險才剛剛開始~ ? 沒能參加的朋友也別擔心,下一場活動正在準備中,我們期待與您的孩子一起,開啟更多奇妙與成長的旅程!

The two-day magical journey has come to a successful conclusion! This was not just an exploration of academics and knowledge but also a vibrant physical challenge! With curiosity in their hearts, the children uncovered the mysteries of nature, solving puzzles related to mathematics and history through clever clues. They also embraced teamwork and creative physical challenges during the frisbee course, showcasing their boundless potential and enthusiasm! Although this winter camp has ended, our adventure is only just beginning~ ? For those who couldn’t join us this time, don’t worry—our next event is already in the works. We look forward to embarking on more exciting and enriching journeys with your children soon!