Welcome Message
President Logic Lo

Bachelor of Applied Mathematics Department, Tunghai University.
Master of Mathematics Department, Tamkang University.
Instructor of Applied Mathematics Department, Tunghai University.
Chairman of Hong Wen High School
Current Position
Chairman of Washington Foundation
Chairman of Jia Yu Culture Co., Ltd.
Principal of Washington Kindergarten
Chairman of Washington Elementary School
Chairman of Washington High School
Board Director of Asia University
President’s Extension: 200
Chairman's words: Let's climb to the top together!
In this global age of the 21st century, we are not only focusing on consistent progression but also know how to help students broaden their international horizons, enhance both computers and language skills, and build their competitiveness which has been the trend in education in this millennium. Washington High School was born under this trend.
What Washington High School sticks to is: a firm principle of quality education, a comprehensive educational direction, and adherence to the best education and perfect care which are provided by a group of quality of excellent teachers with inspirational and creative teaching methods. With these fine teaching qualities, exceptional teaching, and professional counseling. Enlightened education is full of possibilities!
To internationalize and to implement this humanistic approach is the spirit of supporting the education business in order to fulfill the philosophy--- self-realization. Our philosophy of running an educational institution from kindergarten to university is the goal we strive to achieve! I expect the students to have endless learning vitality!
Reserve a wonderful future for yourself. Having you on board toward the goal of self-realization through schooling, allow me to cheer for all of us!
Principal Liu, I-Hsin

KU Leuven (Catholic University of Leuven), Belgium
Ph.D in Linguistics
University of Cambridge, U.K
Master of Philosophy in Education: Researching Second Language Education across Cultures
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Bachelor of Foreign Languages
Director of Academic Office, Washington High School
Assistant Professor, Asia University
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Principal’s Extension: 300
Principal's words: Step into Washington, Step into the World!
Through its firm principles, “appropriate fitness” and “holistic education”, Washington High School offers a well-rounded education that equips our students with the skills to adapt to and lead in our world’s ever-changing, globalized environment. We build the ability of children to learn actively and emphasize the importance of foreign language acquisition. Washington High School’s thorough education allows children to master key competencies and become leaders with a global vision-oriented on the future. Each year our staff looks forward to giving our students new perspectives on the world around them and cultivating their diverse abilities and extraordinary talents.
Building on the efforts of many years, Washington High School has constructed a comprehensive learning platform and a rigorous core curriculum aligned with the teaching plans required in this high technology era. Our immersive English program, international vision, and range of courses help students balance learning high school subjects while developing and strengthening their second foreign language abilities. Naturally, we understand that international competitiveness is a top priority for success in life. Washington is actively expanding its overseas learning channels and cooperates with the world’s top 100 universities in the world. Through the student experience of cultural exchanges, we enhance their global vision, strengthen their knowledge and mobility, and connect them to the greater world.
This is a highly competitive era of globalization. Only through an emphasis on globalized learning can we enhance the international skills and abilities of students and strengthen their adaptability, vitality, and competitiveness. We enable our students to recognize the importance of advancing with the world and help them grow into ambitious young men and women who can change the world around them. After many years of watching our graduates grow, I believe that the teachers and students of the Washington High School can create a different, better future for us all!
Vice Principal Chiang, Shao-Tsang

Ph.D. in Linguistics and Language Acquisition
Fordham University, U.S.A.
Master of Arts in English Education
Fordham University, U.S.A.
Foreign Language Teacher in New York Public High Schools.
Director of the Overseas Department, Washington Elementary School.
Adjunct Assistant Professor of the English Department,
National Taichung University of Education.
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program Director,
Starlight Experimental Education.
Vice Principal of Starlight Experimental Education.
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Vice Principal's Extension: 170