2023 VEX V5 TAIWAN OPEN 晉級8強賽事

華盛頓中學國際部派出兩組團隊參加這次的VEX V5高中組全國決賽,這場決賽聚集了來自全國頂尖的機器人賽隊,經過多場的配對競賽,順利晉級到最後的8強賽事,透過此次寶貴的比賽經驗,累積實力在未來的競賽裡更加地綻放異彩。

Washington Overseas Department, with a strong showing in robotics, had sent two teams, Bolts A and Bolts B, to compete in the 2023 VEX V5 TAIWAN OPEN. With 34 teams from around the Taiwan participating, the competition was fierce.

Despite a strong showing in the early rounds, Bolts A was unable to advance past the quarterfinals. Despite the disappointment of not making it to the semifinals, the team can take pride in their performance and the progress they made throughout the competition.

The 2023 VEX V5 TAIWAN OPEN was a great opportunity for Bolts A and Bolts B to showcase their skills and demonstrate their passion for robotics. The experience they gained will no doubt serve them well in future competitions.