2023 Washington Cup Team Speech Competition

The curtain rose and the show began! Washington Cup Team Speech Competition, hosted by the Overseas Department, was held on Tuesday afternoon.
The scripts were all written by the students. No costumes, props, or special lighting were needed. The focus was on reading their texts with expressive voices and gestures. The performances were amazing! Let's congratulate all of our participants!

由國際部主辦的華盛頓中學高一團體英文演講比賽精彩登場,以「科技對學生產生的影響」為主題,探討現今科技與網路發展如何改變我們的生活,而科技帶給我們的影響和利弊又是如何呢? 且看學生們精彩的演講和活潑肢體語言的展現。