【WIST VEX TEAM actively took part in the 2023 VEX IQ TAIWAN OPEN】
華盛頓中學國際部機器人校隊參加這次的2023-2024 VEX IQ TAIWAN OPEN 校際預賽國中組的賽事,與來自全國各地的機器人賽隊同場競技,在追求勝利的路上不斷的精進自己。

The WIST VEX TEAM participated in the 2023 VEX IQ TAIWAN OPEN interscholastic preliminary competition for middle school teams. They competed alongside robotics teams from across the country, continuously refining their skills on the path to victory. Both of the school’s teachers and students in WIST VEX TEAM wholeheartedly supported and prepared the team for this challenging and enriching experience.
The VEX Educational Robotics Series spans age groups from elementary school to university and engages over 24,000 teams from more than 60 countries worldwide. In this particular event, teams were tasked with constructing their own robots based on the designated engineering design theme for the new competition season. Throughout the competition, students collaborated and competed with other teams, testing not only their technical skills in engineering and programming but also fostering teamwork, leadership, communication, and problem-solving abilities.