2024 WIST Winter Camp

【2024 華中國際部冬令營 小農植栽快樂頌圓滿結束】

WIST Winter Camp 2024, themed 'Seeding of Better Tomorrow, was a resounding success. In the Social Studies & Art History session, students immersed themselves in ancient practices, exploring how humans controlled nature through ritual and art. By studying how ancient humans created totem art through rituals praying for a bountiful harvest, the students made masks reflecting their own personal characteristics. In the Biology session, participants crafted terrariums, connecting with nature in our fantastic school facilities. The Health & Aquaponics session included engaging, nutritious activities, such as a werewolf simulation, adding excitement. The Literature & Aquaponics DIY session allowed students to create mini ecosystems at home. This two-day camp emphasized sustainable development and caring for our planet, leveraging WIST's advanced greenhouse. It nurtured a holistic understanding of nature, culture, aquaponics, and healthy living—a seed for a better tomorrow!