2023 New York Pre-college Programl


Exciting News! The students of WIST embarked on an incredible journey to New York City, USA, for an enriching pre-college program.
Our students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in a wide range of captivating courses, carefully designed to ignite their passions and expand their horizons. From finance and investing to business and entrepreneurship, emergency medicine, architecture, psychology and neuroscience, journalism, computer science, blockchain and cryptocurrency, college admissions, community service, life skills, outdoor athletics, photography, public speaking, and so much more!
At WIST, we firmly believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals who are fully prepared to excel in various fields. Our diverse curriculum empowers students to explore their interests and unlock their full potential. Notably, many of the courses offered during this program align with the outstanding resources we provide right here on our campus, including business, psychology, computer science, and photography.
Join us in celebrating the remarkable achievements of our talented students and discovering more about the exceptional courses offered at WIST!

華中國際部【New York 大學預修國際課程】前往美國紐約市,進行一連串豐富的大學預修課程。