2023 Field Trip

【挑戰自我的極限 探索大自然之美】

想體驗三項滑索、極限攀岩、高空垂降…等刺激又有趣的活動嗎? 華盛頓中學國際部戶外教學一次滿足您。在鋼索上滑翔享受大自然輕快的風;在攀登最高點的路上學習不輕言放棄;克服恐懼在高空吊橋上勇敢的踏出每一步,與學習團隊合作的精神,跨越高牆與重重阻礙。每一種體驗都是難得的經驗,勇敢的挑戰自我,在未來不管遇到多困難的難題都能更加堅定自己的內心。

During our school trips, Washington International School in Taichung offers students exciting and adventurous experiences, which may include activities like zip-lining, extreme rock climbing, and high-altitude rappelling. As they soar along the zip lines, they have the chance to relish the invigorating natural breeze while embracing the lesson of persistence during the challenging climb to great heights. Overcoming their fears, they courageously step onto the high suspension bridges. Each of these experiences serves as a unique opportunity, motivating our students to challenge themselves and cultivating the courage needed to confront any future difficulties. Join us at Washington International School in Taichung, where we encourage personal growth and a fearless approach to life's challenges.