WIST走出戶外 參加臺中國家歌劇院-藝起進劇場活動

【WIST走出戶外 參加臺中國家歌劇院-藝起進劇場活動】
國際部提供多元的VP Arts課程,學生學習提升藝術技能,同時培養學生的創造力、想像力和批判性思維。藝術是一種表達自我和情感的方式。通過參與課程,學生有機會探索自己的想法和感受,並將其轉化為藝術作品。

The VP Arts program offered by WIST provides students with opportunities to enhance their artistic skills while fostering creativity, imagination, and critical thinking. Art serves as a means of self-expression and emotional exploration. Through participation in the VP Arts program, students have the chance to explore their ideas and emotions, transforming them into artistic creations.
The event at the Taichung National Theater - ArtsRising Theatre provides students with a diverse learning platform to increase their awareness of theater spaces and etiquette, cultivate an interest in and understanding of the field of modern dance, and enhance their appreciation for diverse forms of artistic creation. Through stages such as watching performances, pre-teaching, demonstration explanations, and post-performance discussions, a complete learning experience is provided. This is a wonderful activity that combines education and art, aiming to enrich students' learning experiences and allow them to understand the performing arts in diverse ways.
It is believed that through such activities, students will not only passively watch performances but also be able to unleash their imagination and creativity, cultivate diverse learning abilities, and further enhance their cultural literacy and appreciation of the arts. Teachers also actively participate alongside the students to share some experiences, fostering a collaborative learning environment and enriching the VP Art journey.