《WIST參加新加坡國際數學奧林匹克挑戰賽 榮獲金、銀、銅大滿貫》 

此次新加坡國際數學奧林匹克挑戰賽(Singapore International Math Olympiad Challenge,簡稱SIMOC),吸引了各國數學精英參與,競爭異常激烈。國際部學生憑藉扎實的數學基礎、靈活的解題能力及強大的團隊合作精神,在國際賽脫穎而出,受到了評審團的高度讚賞。

WIST Shines Again! 
At the 2024 Singapore International Math Olympiad Challenge (SIMOC), our students excelled, winning gold, silver, and bronze medals, bringing international honor to the school! 
The SIMOC attracted top math talents from around the world, and the competition was fierce. Our international division students stood out, thanks to their solid math foundations, flexible problem-solving skills, and exceptional teamwork, earning high praise from the judging panel.
These outstanding results are not only a testament to our students' individual abilities but also reflect the excellence of WIST's teaching system. We will continue to strive forward and shine on more international stages!