
9月第一場特別邀請了來自加利福尼亞大學河濱分校 (UC Riverside) 的代表Mr. David,與G11的學生進行面對面的交流。活動中,Mr. David生動地介紹了UC Riverside的豐富歷史、迷人的校園環境,以及學生們最感興趣的熱門科系。不僅如此,他還分享了關於學校的生活、住宿安排和娛樂設施等日常資訊,並詳細說明了申請入學的標準和步驟,為學生們未來的升學之路提供了寶貴的第一手訊息,激發了學生們的興趣與動力。
請持續關注我們唷!To be continued...

? WIST Overseas University Counseling Center — Global Exchanges Never Stop!
Undecided About Universities? We’ve got you covered!
WIST counseling team partners with top global universities to offer exclusive admissions insights through face-to-face meetings with representatives. ?✨
In September, Mr. David from the University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside) engaged with G11 students, highlighting the university’s history, popular programs, student life, and admissions process. His session gave students a firsthand look at UC Riverside, sparking interest and providing clear guidance on applying.
More international university events are coming soon, helping students make informed decisions about their future.
Stay tuned! To be continued...