用相信打破沉默 口罩公益計畫

W.I.S.T G11 student Lorena was inspired by the Korean film ”Hope” and wanted to show solidarity with the victims of sexual assault. She decided to launch a fund-raising project for the Modern Women's Foundation, selling a specially designed face mask.
They design, print, and sell masks. They then finally donate all the proceeds to the Modern Women's Foundation. They hope to use their own strength to support victims of sexual assault.

華盛頓中學國際部G11學生 Lorena 因一部韓國電影Hope,啟發她對女性議題的重視,決定為現代婦女基金會發起口罩募捐計畫,親自設計口罩,印製、行銷,將販售的所得全數捐至『現代婦女基金會』,期望用自身的力量陪伴受創傷的人,走出生命的幽谷。也希望透過公益口罩,讓那些不敢出聲的被害者們可以鼓起勇氣說出口或是尋找基金會求助。

第二款白色:配合「現代婦女基金會」展心復原計劃“Only Yes Means Yes”沒有同意,就是性侵,愛心代表讓人感到安心以及關愛。而愛心前的手臂鼓勵要站出來說出口,而不是默默接受。
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