華中國際部扶少團 逢甲小學英語教學志工服務


Washington Interact Club came to Fong-Jia Elementary School for a one-day event.
The two coordinators of the Interact Club said this activity was a very unique experience. From planning to assigning jobs to the final preparations, every bit of it was a challenge. Seeing those kids enjoying our activities made it all worth it. We are really happy to have this opportunity to host this event.
Washington Interact Club will continue to uphold the spirit of Rotary, establish an international outlook, and spread the spirit of service in every corner of the world.

活動總召Sean表示: 「希望透過此次活動讓他們學習到更多平時常用到的英文單詞與會話,更加以活用、勇於表達。」